Mother's Day and Labour Day Meeting

Last Thursday's meeting in Semabok Inn centers two important themes of the month. May-Day and Mother's Day.

May Day is also known as Labour's Day and International Workers Day.

Well the Toastmaster's of the evening (TOE) was no other than the wise and senior member of the club DTM Shiv. Thanks to her, the whole meeting was entertaining and informative, with the carefully selected speakers and role players.

Project speakers:

TM Jenny Ng Over The Hill
TM Dr Soe Win Conflict
CC Mak Chee Kin A Sales Training Talk

Hei, and you know what..there's really a great deal of info that i learned from all the 3 speeches. For those who didn't manage to attend last Thursday, you really missed a lot!

Some photo shots :

ACB Azizah reading the project speech criteria for Mak while ACB Jeffery is so engrossed in writing his evaluation.

DTM Shiv..So happy listening to one of the speeches.

CC Mak seen walking into the middle of the room before he started to "SELL" his talk. Very inspiring and motivating. After his speech , everyone was so fired up to sell something. :P He has successfully applied one of the fundamental sales principle in the speech which is..."SELLING is a transfer of feeling". Those who attended would definitely understand that feeling. The passion..yeah.

What is Mother's Day and May-day all about..

TM Jenny confidently telling the audience that age of 55 years old is still toooo young to retire..the message is work while you still can.Very inspiring even for youngsters like me. :)

Dr Soe Win's speech was also brilliant. He was very persuasive in convincing the audience on how to handle conflict through his vast working experience as a Captain. But, really sorry about the absence of photos. Apparently he was quite excited with his movements until I fail to capture a still shot. :P Apologies.

Well , what was written here was just a tip of the iceberg. I'm sure all the guest learned many important and interesting points which empowers them personally and improve their confidence to speak. Curious to know what are they? Join us at the next meeting. Cheers!


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