Monthly Meeting / Installation Ceremony / Buka Puasa Dinner on 18th of July 2013

Greetings fellow Toastmasters,
Our next meeting on Thursday, 18th July 2013 will be a special meeting since :
*...the Toastmaster of the Evening will be our IPP Jenny Ng,
* will be an Installation of the new Club Officers under our new Club President
     Andrea Finta,
* will be a "Buka Puasa" fellowship dinner with our Muslim friends,
*.. it will be held at HOTEL PURI, No. 118, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock (Heeren Street).
**Please DONT come to our usual meeting place at Semabok Inn.
Agenda :

7.00 pm - Fellowship

7.30 pm - "Buka Puasa" with our Muslim friends (Buffet Dinner at Cafe Galeri, Hotel Puri)

8.15 pm - Installation of new Club Officers

8.30 pm - Meeting commence......

Yes, dinner is provided and it's FREE for all active members of Malacca Toastmasters Club. You can invite your family members and guests to join us. Guests will be charged a fee of RM35.00 each for the Dinner and Meeting. Members are responsible for collecting the fees from their own guests and to pay to the Treasurer on the day itself.

Hope to see all of you there.


First meeting of the new term, July 4th 2013

Dear Fellow Toastmasters,

This evening will be the very first meeting of the new term with our new Club President, Andrea Finta and her team of EXCO members.

Moreover, it will surely be an exciting meeting since we will have Erik Wee, CC, who has just completed his 10th project and obtained his Competent Communicator title at the last meeting, as our TOE for tonight.

The theme of the evening : "From small beginnings, come great things"
SAA: Lim Hui Ping, TM
Project Speakers:
1. Azizah Abu Hassan, DTM - CC#2, Title: “The Journey” , Time: 5-7 minutes
2. Debra de Souza Watters, ACS, ALB - ACG #8, Title: "My Diplomatic Life" , Time: 8-10 minutes
Educational session:-
3. Shivcharan Kaur, DTM – Better Speaker Series, Title:“Impromptu Speaking”, Time: 12-15 minutes
We look forward to meeting all of your this evening and we will be delighted if you can bring any friend/guest along with you.

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