Here are some quickie updates:
Location: Sumber Learning Center (1st Floot)
It was 730pm. Everyone waited downstairs at Popular bookstore.The door way leading to Edaran Sumber learning center was still locked. Melvin, KP Lai , Azizah and myself anxiously waited for Mak to open the pad lock.
Rumors spread like H1N1. Some said the venue was changed last minute through a message from the Blackberry. Some said the meeting was cancelled. Some said the other members couldn't find the place. Anyway we were happily discussing about where the next meeting will be...DURIAN FARM!! While waiting Mr President Joshua to do his side parking opposite the center.
Mak finally arrived. He was a bit late due to some unforeseen circumstances. We started at 810pm slightly behind schedule. OMG..
The TOE was Toastmaster (TM) Jenny Ng.. her first time. And she even brought her lovely daughter as a guest.... to support her .COOL!!!!!
There were 2 guests that night.
Anyway, there 's four interesting and memorable Project Speeches specially lined up on that Thursday night.
1.Money Is Very Important by TM Shima Ismail. Evaluated by TM Clarence (that's me)
Very interesting and entertaining speech by her. Her opening was superb!! She grabbed the whole floors attention by flashing MONEY!!!!! bundles of new crispy RM50 banknotes.. OMG.
2.How to build confidence confidently by TM KP Lai Evaluated by CL Jane Yeo
His 3 steps to build confidence was brilliant. It will definitely make any William Hung transform to be as confident as Austin Powers in the Spy Who Shagged Me!! :P
3.Who am I? ? by TM Sharon Chiang Evaluated by CC Ahmad Yusof.
No, it was not about Jacky Chan. It was about something greater..Sharon provoked the audience to think about who was she really talking about in a very unexpected twist. The speech also marked her accomplishment as a Competent Communicator (CC). Well done , Sharon. You were AWESOME!!!!
4.Finding New Members For Your Club by CC Melvin Chan.
Melvin successfully delivered a 15 minute speech on how to build a strong and healthy Toastmaster's club. He blended all his wits and detailed info in it to deliver the maximum impact ...BANG! Right into the head. A speeched not to be missed. Humorous and informative.
+++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++++
The General Evaluation took placed. The general evaluator is none other than our beautiful CC Ruby Yong. Her task is to evaluate the meeting in general.
Later,the project evaluators presented their evaluation of their respected project speeches.
Mak presented the Time keeper report for the speech timings.
Azizah who sat on one corner listening intently to all the verbal crutches like " ah ah ,ers, so ," and etc during the whole session presented her report.
The Mr President Joshua Ling congratulated all those new achievers.
The meeting ended at 930pm ...just on time .
The END.
p/s: The club members adjourned to Bollywood restaurant for supper. :)
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