16th April meeting Summary


The meeting started on time and soon we were in the project speakers. There were a lot of guests and they were pretty…. *cough*. .*blushing*


TM Zaw Tun attempted his first maiden speech, the ice breaker with the title Lime Juice. The speech was ended with a short song; I was impressed as for the first CC project. Not many will end a speech with a song or a poem. Bravo!!


TM Lai Kim Piew attempted his first maiden speech too. It was an impromptu speech as he was requested to do a speech a few hours earlier due to a shortage of speakers. Although he did it in 7 minutes, it was a very good speech. Bravo!!


Our last speaker of the day was TM Chan Pei Fong, a lovely and cheerful lady attempted the speech, Martial Arts. She did it flawlessly with some demonstration of kicks and punches. I learned to never judge a book by a cover as she has a hidden weapon despite her looks.


After the project speeches, it was time for Humor Master’s Joke presented by a first timer TM William Tay. He talked about random jokes regarding husband and wife or wife(s). :D it was funny as ever. I concluded the table topic with a statement that nuns and monks were happier than a married couple.


CC, CL Ling How Gin was the table topic master. His topic was based on reporter reporting news based on a situation given. It was a tough one and a funny too. I would say it was a humorous table topic session. Most of the news reported was absurd and funny. We had a good laugh too.


After all the evaluation, the meeting ended very fast. It was only slightly after 9:30pm when it ended. This was very good news as we have people like me, flying to Kuching 2009 Convention the next day! 

[Meeting] - 16 April 2009

TOE: Melvin Chan, CC

Lai Kim Piew Sp #1 Ev Sharon, TM
Zaw Tun  Sp#1 Ev: Jane, TM
Pei Fong  Sp#2 Ev : Ruby Yong ,TM

Role Players
TTM:Joshua Ling,CTM,CL
TTE: Jennifer Lee, ACB,CL
Humour: William Tay, TM
LE:Henry Goh,CC
GE: Shivcharan, DTM
T/K: Ruby, TM
Ah Counter : Lai Kim Piew, TM


Recently, 4 of our club members have pushed a step further to achieve the DTM status
They are :
  1. Lena Foo - Competent Communicator
  2. Chan Kok Leng, Melvin - Competent Communicator
  3. Goh Guat Mui - Advance Communicator Bronze
  4. Kamala Devi Nair - Advance Communicator Silver

Congratulations !!!

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