Monthly Meeting - 4 April 2013

Dear Members and Friends,

We are waiting for you at Semabok Inn, 8pm.

Don't forget to attend our April meeting on 4 April 2013, Goh Guat Mui will be the Toastmaster of this meeting. Here are our Prepared Speakers in action :-

1.   Hayati Omar   (Ice Breaker)
2.   Sharifah Salwa
3.   Tan Mei Fang 

Here is the message from our TOE :-

The theme is April Fool Fun since it is the first meeting in April 2013.April Fool's day falls on 1st April .Let's have a fun meeting on that day.

The Table Topics Master and Grammarian will serve you with fun related topics and WOD. Can we have  the Humour Master  play the same tune too?

Want to know more ?Come and have fun learning at the meeting.

Once again ,thank you. Remember your CL manual to get completion points for your roles.

Goh Guat Mui,ACG,CL
 TOE on 4.4.2013


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