Malacca Toastmasters Club Happenings Part 1:

Malacca Toastmasters Club is a happening club.. don't you agree? That's why I've decided to launch the Malacca Toastmasters Club Happenings series which will keep the readers updated on what's going on in within the club in November 2010.

Let's move on to the Happening Part1 :

Joint Meeting with Friendship Toastmasters Club.
Date:13th Nov 2010
Venue: Hotel Puri


  1. Melvin CC,ALB
  2. William
  3. Guat Mui ACS, CL
  4. Ahmad ACB
  5. Shima
  6. Clarence
  7. Azizah ACB, ALS
  8. Joshua Ling ACB,CL
  9. Jennifer ACB,CL
  10. Lena Foo CC

We re-visited Hotel Puri again this year for this wonderful joint meeting with the Friendship Toastmasters Club (FTMC) . FTMC is an established club from Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort, Jalan Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur and currently lead by President Zaiton Zainal Abidin.

It was a big crowd this time in this Break free and Breakaway Program . (30+ people)
Many family members of the FTMC were present because it was more like a weekend club holiday trip to the historical Malacca City. That made the atmosphere of the meeting fun, warm and entertaining with performances and games.

FTMC also have a very interesting blog article on their Breakfree and Breakaway program experience. So , for those readers who would like to know their side of the story, kindly read here.

To join the FTMC Facebook group and keep in touch, click here:

Group photo

Taichi master vs high speed dodging master (too fast for the camera)

Tabletopics: Observe how our VPE Sharon CC handled the topic: Tell us about your first kiss.
For those who weren't there, you've really missed it!
Table topics: Observe how William tackled another interesting table topic : Tell us about your first love experience. It's another secret that only the audience in Puri Hotel will know.

Well, that's all for Part 1 . Stay tune for the next update real soon. Happy Toastmastering!


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