April Fool - Marshaled

When the gorgeous, bootilicious, super hot, beautiful , charming and sexy vixen, Lena Foo is the TOE, there's always many many Guests.

i am sure you know why...  no need for me the repeat. * It's getting hot here * :p

There was a meeting on 1st of April, and that's not April Fool. Fool or not Fool, you are a fool for not coming on April Fool.

Few days and few hours before the meeting, Lena had problems getting the Agenda done, she was resourceful by calling and making sure the roles are all taken up by either replacements or non replacement.

Before the meeting, we had a few surprises.

Robert Ong , a ex-Toastmaster of our club arrived out of the blue moon. 
Kamala Nair, ACS, CL, oh i missed her so much , too arrived out of the blue moon. 
She was MIA for sometime.

We even had a few guests,

  1. Dr Adnan
  2. Dr Yusof
  3. Franko
  4. Ester
  5. Raymond
  6. Lugzan

The meeting started slightly late because we just realized a few importing things, the Role Cards, The Role Player Folders and even the Attendance book was not ready... sigh.. Jenny and I had to spend a few minutes sorting up the stuff.

Normally, SAA was to be blamed, however, due to a series of unfortunate events, the SAA has some personal matter to catch up on... There goes the SAA...

Lena started the meeting with her sexy and charming voice... just like a Siren, the mystical being, memorizing everyone with her voice.

Sooner than i realized that i the time is passing by like the F1 driven by Kimi Raikkonen, project speeches had started.

We had 3 speakers,

  1. Dr Soe Win evaluated by Henry Goh, CC
  2. Sharon Chiang, evaluated by Jane Yeo, CL
  3. Azizah Abu Hassan evaluated by Kamala Nair, ACS, CL

Dr Soe Win, TM shared his adventure on sea with us, the sea monster threatening to drown the ship, being a sailor on the ship, he survived the onslaught and was alive to share with us the new adventures of 
Dr Soe Win~ The Modern Sinbad.

Sharon Chiang, TM shared with us how inexpensive toastmasters is, is only freaking RM 1.30 per day !!!
Even Jusco JJ Day also kalah....lol

Azizah Abu Hassan, ACB CL started her speech by imitating chicken Rooster's "Cocka-doodle-doo" !!!
and she moved on to describe her crocodile hunter's trip. 

After the project speeches, it was time for some humor, DTM Shivcharan Kaur was there to humor us with some jokes on relationship... We had a good laugh.

She did a 7 minutes speech project and was followed up by the Table topic Session.

Lai Kim Piew, TM  marshaled the whole session flawlessly. 

We had 5ive table topic speakers and they were given some short stories on crazy ideas or scenarios. 

It was really funny. Haha, now laugh....

General Evaluation was next and Ruby, CC was there to marshaled the whole general evaluation. 

Project Evaluators was first, 

Table Topic Evaluators was next, ME, and i did a speedy evaluation for 5 speakers in a record time of 55 seconds, beat that Raikkonen !!!

Grammarian was marshaled  by Joshua Ling How Gin, ACB, CL.

Time keeper marshaled by Jenny Ng, TM.

Mak Chee Kin, CC, CL was the Ah Countant and my name was not mentioned which means i was perfect? Not quite, he did not noticed my opening gambit when i was the SAA.

The meeting ended slightly later than usual and the the club EXCOs had the last meeting before everyone call it a night. 

The End


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