Value has no value if the value was valued.

Just recently, on the 18th of March, we had another Toastmasters Session with 3 Guests.

Mak Chee Kin, CC , CL was the Toastmaster of the Day and we had 3 project speeches.

They are:

Lai Kim Piew , TM - Tai Chi
Ahmad Yusof, CC - GAUT
Shivcharan Kaur, DTM - Motivational Speech

They did a fantastic job and their speeches was captivating and fun to hear too.

I on the other hand, was not feeling very well as i have phlegm crawling at the back of my throat.

Talking was very difficult for me.

Henry Goh, CC did the most remarkable thing, he did a humorous session without any notes! WOW!

~Congratulations Henry, you have improved!~

Shima Ismail TM, was the Table Topic Master of the day. She gave some of the best and most mind blogging topics, a few of them have problem with the topics.

After that was my turn, as the General Evaluator. As usual, i do not do any evaluation on my own, i have role players to help me with. They are:

Ling How Gin, ACB, CL, Lena Foo, CC, and Jennifer Lee, ACB,CL as Project Evaluators.
Goh Guat Mui ACB, CL
did the Table Topics Evaluation.
Jeffery Lee,ATMB did the Language Evaluation.
William, TM did the Timer's Evaluation.
Sharon Chiang, TM as the Ah Countant

Congratulations to all for making this meeting a successful meeting.

~The End~

If i were given 1 whole day to live. What will i do ?

Lets analyze the topic. Seriously.

What's the reason i was given a whole day to live, after some thoughts, there are only a few...

there are:
  • Final last stage in fighting a cancer- Most probably lying in bed, groaning in pain....
  • Committed some crime, about to be executed in 24 hours. Most probably behind bars in jail....
  • Hostage for ransom in 24 hours, no money no life. Most likely under watchful eye of whoever they were.
  • End of the world in 24 hours. Probably everyone has the same 24 hours.
Given the possibilities that i was given 24 hours, i would probably break all rules, law, regulations known to humanity, if my movements were restricted, all i can do is sleep for the next 24 hours.

Anyway, the Area A1 Contest was held in ALAM on the 13th of March 2010.
2 representatives from 3 clubs, namely,
  1. ALAM Toastmasters Club,
  2. Farmosa Toastmasters Club
  3. Malacca Toastmasters Club
bravely battered against each other, fighting for survival.

On the day of the contest itself, which was supposed to start @ 2pm sharp, delayed all the way to 2:45pm.

The delay was well explainable due to a road accident along the way to the venue.
Some idiots managed to crash into each other in a traditional head on collision.

Anyway, the delay was necessary to await for a contestant to arrive. He was the first contestant too.

I was fetched by my club members in a car pool.

Thank you Siew Weng Yue:)

Because i am not the Organizing chairman nor the Contest Chairman,
i have no idea what happened behind the curtains, but i do know the role players.

Organizing Chair : Sharon Chiang, TM
Contest Chair : Jeffrey Lee, ACB
TOE : Capt.Khalid Hashmi, ACS
Tally Counter : Abdul Hadi / Geetha
Timer : Jason / Mahadevan
Chief Judge : Melvin Chan, CC < - me :p
Certificates : Joshua Ling

The Contestants for International Speech

Marcus Chee
Pretty Philip
Shahirah Abdul Rahman

The Contestants for Table Topics

Siew Weng Yue
Tirath Singh
Dineshwary Krishnan
Shahirah Abdul Rahman

@ 2:45pm, The contest started. There was no complains, disqualifications, or objection during the contest. Good.

There was only a slight disturbance when someone tried to break through the locked door. :I

The contests ended @ 4:30pm and certificates were given out. Soon, the contest chairman, announced the winners and they were :

International Speech
Champion :Marcus Chee
1st Runner Up :Joshua Ling
2nd Runner Up :Pretty Philip

Table Topics
Champion :Siew Weng Yue
1st Runner Up :Dineswary Krishnan
2nd Runner Up :Shahirah Abd Rahman

Congratulations to all of them, for those who did not win, you were already a winner when you were up front giving a speech!!

The Champion and the 1st Runner Up will be going to Division A Contest which will be held @ Johor Bahru !

Area A1 Governor, Azizah Abu Hassan, ACB, CL gave the closing speech and the contest ended with some final words from the TOE.

After the Contest, ALAM gave all presence a fantastic evening treat of ALAM's best canteen food and we parted our way soon after.

Before i end this, i would like to congratulate to 2 of our club members,
Joshua Ling and Siew Weng Yue for making the club proud by winning and representing the club to Division A Contest.

Congratulations !


Special Thanks to

Area A1 Governor.
Azizah Abu Hassan, ACB, CL

~The End~

Too Many Cooks Spoil the soup or broth

Wow.. and relieved.

The Club level International Speech and Table Topics Contest was over, finally .

Winners are.... wait.. read on to know more about the winners. :D

Weeks before the actual contest, the role players was up, contestants was up.

Forms printed, orders was placed for the trophies, certificates was printed, in a nut shell

We are ready !


Well.... Not quite .... :(

Few days and even a few hours before the actual contest, there was alot of dramas.

~Drama unfolds ~

Our beloved SAA who was supposed to William, TM , couldn't make it because of some work commitment.

Fortunately, Andrea Finta, TM agreed to help out with the SAA role and i was delighted as the problem was solved.

Thanks Andrea for helping me out !!

Soon, problems emerged out of nowhere.

The original TOE, Kamala Nair, ACS, CL couldn't make it due to some personal matters and i had to find a replacement.

Again, Lady Luck was with me, Jane Yeo, CL volunteered to help out and i was saved again.

Thanks Jane for helping me out !!

I thought this must be the end of my misery and yet again, i was wrong.

Everything was set to go, i printed the agenda 9 hours before the actual contest, thinking that there couldn't be any more unexpected misfortune falling on me, and a call came.

~4 hours before the contest~

The Chief Judge, Azizah Abu Hassan, ACB, CL couldn't make it due to an urgent matter.
She was excused and i had to find the replacement for the Chief Judge !

I called Mak, CC, CL and he said he may be late. I couldn't risk for the Chief Judge being late,
therefore, i called the second person in the list, Ram, CTM. He couldn't make it to the contest due to some work. Argh ... i was frustrated, i couldn't find anyone !

In the end i called up Ariff, CC from Farmosa Toastmasters Club.

The phone rang and it went on till... "You have reached the voice mail, please leave a message after the tone".....

Oh my sweet Smedly, NO!!!

i still couldn't get a chief judge !!! T_T

The next person came in my mind, DTM Sandra Shunmugam. I could't find her number , i Google her and eventually found her on Facebook. I prayed hard that her number is there. Amazingly it was there !! Ohh la la .

I called her up and she picked it up and she agreed to be the Chief Judge !!!

Muaks!!! and Thank you very muchie, DTM Sandra Shunmugam

Mohan one of the contestants called to inform that he could not participate for the Internatinal speech contest as he was on pain killers and he was abit drowsy, however he said he will participate in the Table Topic Contest.

He even told me he will drive to the contest. Worrying something bad may happen, i contacted Ahmad, to fetch him there.

Safety comes first, Contest later.
I still want to taste your wife's Dal Curry !

Get well soon Mohan,
and Encik Ahamd, Ribuan Terima Kasih kerana tolong tumpang Encik Mohan.

~1 Hour before the contest ~tick~ tock~ tick ~tock~

I was on my way to the venue and suddenly, something struck me. There's gonna be a table topic contest.. where are the topics ???!!! The topics were originally prepared by the Chief Judge, Azizah Abu Hassan, ACB, CL.

She could not provide me the topics in time as she was not available @ the moment.

Now i am panic.

In the end, i had to outsourced the topics to a very kind person.

Thanks Alot !!! whoever you are.. ahem * cough*
~30 minutes before the contest.....~

30 minutes, there could't be any more crazy surprises, could there be ?

hmm.. another bomb fell down on me soon. One of the judges called up and said __ could not make it in time.

i was like .... huh?! Am i striking lottery soon or what ?

30 minutes to find a judge who's available and experience in judging !!!

!!!! Holy Sweet Smedly Moly !!!! time is insanely running out !!!!

again, struggling out of the fallen rubbles, in the distance, i saw someone

*I have to mention her name, i just had to.. Sorry. *

DTM Selina from Johor , emits her vibrant aura of a Savior. I know i had to get to her, i just had to. I made my way there, crawling and i *held her hand* and asked her to become one of the judge, and she agreed. I was *delightedly* overjoyed . (imagine it, not visualize it pls).

That was the last of it. and thankfully it was.

15 minutes before the contest starts, i got the contestants together outside of the room and the draw lots was made with a set of poker cards of Ace of Spade to 10th of Spade.

Here are the order:
International Speech
  1. Ahmad
  2. Joshua
  3. Tirath Singh
  4. Shivcharan Kaur
Table Topic Contest*

  1. Tirath Singh
  2. Lena Foo
  3. Siew Weng Yue
  4. Shivcharan Kaur
  5. Ahamd
  6. Mohan
  7. Lai Kim Piew
  8. Jason Tan
*Not sure if the order is correct.

Contest started with the SAA, Andrea Finta, TM

Role players introduced by, TOE, Jane Yeo, CL

i , Melvin Chan, CC proceeded with the contest.

International Speech contest started with Ahamd , and ended with Shivcharan Kaur.

~ 5 minutes breaks~

Table topics started and the title was :

Too Many Cooks Spoil the soup

There was many cooks , 8 cooks to be exact and sure enough the soup spoiled and there was no soup to drink. hehe. Creatively , the cooks took down the "kitchen".

Luckily there was no fire ..

After the contest, certificates were given out to the role players and the contestants.

Contestants was interviewed by me. :p oh ya...

and the moment of truth...

~dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam ~

Winners of the 2009/2010 Malacca Toastmasters Club, Club Level International Speech Contest, are...
  • Champion, Shivcharan Kaur
  • 1st Runner's UP, Joshua Ling
  • 2nd Runner's UP, Tirath Singh

Winners of the 2009/2010 Malacca Toastmasters Club, Club Level Table Topics Contest, are...
  • Champion, Shivcharan Kaur
  • 1st Runner's UP, Siew Weng Yue
  • 2nd Runner's UP, Tirath Singh
~~~Congratulations to the winners !!! ~~~~

Conclusion :

Champion and 1st Runner up will be going to the Area Level contest which will be held at ALAM on 13th of March.

However, due to some reasons, Shivcharan Kaur has offered the chances to the Runners Up.

Joshua Ling and Tirath Singh will be representing Malacca Toastmasters Club for the International Speech Contest .
Siew Weng Yue and Tirath Singh will be
representing Malacca Toastmasters Club for the Table Topics Contest @ ALAM on 13th March 2010. C ya there. !

Hooray, the contest was finally over and i can called it a day .. muahahaha..

i can finally rest...

Trivia :
  • Shivcharan Kaur asked for the order number 4 as it was believed to be a lucky number for Sikhs.
  • There were 4 guest. 2 of them were MMU Stundents, another one of them was DTM Sandra and another was DTM Selina.
  • About 90 % of the audience are either participants or role players.
  • There was 8 table topic speakers, when 7 of them left the room, the room looks empty.
Special Thanks and Recognition to :

Sandra Shunmugam
DTM Selina
DTM Audrey Lim

for helping out with the contest as role player.

Jane Yeo,CL
as the TOE

Shima , TM and Sharon, TM
as the tally counters

Henry Goh, CC and Ruby Yong, CC
as the timers

Andrea Finta , TM
as the SAA

Mak Chee Kin , CC, CL
for the trophies

Joshua Ling
for the certificates

  1. Tirath Singh
  1. Lena Foo
  1. Siew Weng Yue
  1. Shivcharan Kaur
  1. Ahamd Yusof
  1. Mohan Nambiar
  1. Lai Kim Piew
  1. Jason Tan
  1. Joshua Ling
  1. for participating in the contest

Jenny Ng, TM
for helping me to collect the fees.

~The End~

Club level, International Speech and Table Topic Contest

Dear All

The club level , International Speech Contest and Table topic Contest will be held on 4th of March 2010, 7.00 pm at Semabok Inn, Melaka.

For those who are interested to participate as contestant, please let me know by Feb 28.

Role Players
Chairman: Melvin
TOE: Jane Yeo, CL
Chief Judge: Azizah, ACB, CL
Tally Counters: Shima Ismail TM& Sharon Chiang TM
Time Keepers: Henry, CC and Ruby, CC
SAA: Andrea Finta , TM
Certificates: Joshua Ling, ACB, CL

International Speech Contest
1. Ahmad
2. Tirath
3. Mohan
4. Shivcharan Kaur
5. Joshua Ling

Table Topic Contest
1. Ahmad
2. Siew
3. Jason
4. Lena
5. Mohan
6. KP Lai
7. Shivcharan Kaur

Organizing Chairman and VPM
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