Club level, International Speech and Table Topic Contest

Dear All

The club level , International Speech Contest and Table topic Contest will be held on 4th of March 2010, 7.00 pm at Semabok Inn, Melaka.

For those who are interested to participate as contestant, please let me know by Feb 28.

Role Players
Chairman: Melvin
TOE: Jane Yeo, CL
Chief Judge: Azizah, ACB, CL
Tally Counters: Shima Ismail TM& Sharon Chiang TM
Time Keepers: Henry, CC and Ruby, CC
SAA: Andrea Finta , TM
Certificates: Joshua Ling, ACB, CL

International Speech Contest
1. Ahmad
2. Tirath
3. Mohan
4. Shivcharan Kaur
5. Joshua Ling

Table Topic Contest
1. Ahmad
2. Siew
3. Jason
4. Lena
5. Mohan
6. KP Lai
7. Shivcharan Kaur

Organizing Chairman and VPM


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