The 1st meeting of August

Good day guys,

On the 6th of August, our club had another exciting meeting.

The beautiful and lovely, CC, Lena Foo was the Toastmaster of the Evening.

2 new members were inducted by me, a first timer for VPM !

They are :

TM Andrea Finta
TM Clarence

Congratulations !

However, i missed out appointing their mentor during the induction.

TM Andrea Finta's mentor is ACB, CL Jennifer Lee


TM Clarence's mentor is ATMB, Jefferey Lee

Moving on to the project speakers,

TM Pay Fong did her CC Project 3, The Value of Money. It was good and well done.

TM Ahmad did his CC Project 9 on No Pain No Gain. Well done too!

CC, CL Azizah told a folk tale of the ugly duckling . It was cute the way she played with vocal variety.

Congratulations to all project speakers !

Our club president CC, CL Joshua Ling presented information on the Distinguished Club Program.

It is a well presented presentation and useful information of the members and the guests.

The humor master was lead by DTM Shiv
we had some good laugh, however time is short, jokes were short and we moved on to the Table Topic session.

The Table Topic session for this meeting revolved around numbers where the members need to throw 5 dice, the total number will be the age of the person. Odd number is for male, and even for female.

It was very funny too .

We had a tough word of the day which is coerce

which means:

1 : to restrain or dominate by force- coerce the irreligious
2 : to compel to an act or choice -coerced into agreeing
3 : to achieve by force or threat- coerce compliance

It was quite hard as no one managed to use the word .

The meeting went on smoothly and was close by the me, "The VPM" after a short note on Smedley Award.

I set a target of 10 members and we are now soon to be 6 new members already :) 4 more to go, 3 more meetings to come. Can we do it, YES WE CAN ! * Fingers Crossed*

Have a nice day !


Joshua Ling said...

Another Good meeting. Interesting speeches, table topics, and detailed evaluation.

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