"Speech Marathon" meeting on 14/08/2014


It was almost 19 months ago since the last time our club had a speech marathon meeting. We are that the "Speech Marathon" meeting is back in action again!!!

The special "Speech Marathon" meeting that has been held on 14/08/2014 (Thursday, 8pm to 10pm) at Semabok Inn and it had a group of our enthusiasm member friends presented to us their prepared speeches. All together is 7 of them! 

The TOE of the meeting is a positive minded lady who always participate actively in the club- Tan Mei Fang, CC, CL.

1st Speaker -  Reinaldo Dacosta Vilela - CC#1 

2nd Speaker - Nelia Maria Junita - CC#1

3rd Speaker - Maria Pereira - CC#1 

4th Speaker - Azizah Abu Hassan, DTM 

5th Speaker - Lim Hui Ping 

6th Speaker - Becky Tang 

7th Speaker - Genny Ong, CC, CL 

There are 3 speakers who presenting their first Ice Breaker project! All of them done fantastically with the first step they took to kick starts the project and the journey in Toastmasters ! A big round of applause for all great performers for their efforts this evening! Specially congrats to Reinaldo, Nelia & Maria! 

An induction session of our 8 new members from Timos Leste are well conducted by Vice President Membership Lim Hui Ping, CC and President Erik Wee, CC.


We have special guests on this special night- Visiting Toastmasters all the way from India!

Special session of Debra Watters, DTM presented a pin to Azizah Abu Hassan, DTM~

Don't miss out our next regular meeting on 21/08/2014 (Thursday, 8pm to 10pm) at Semabok Inn!

Thanks for reading........

Meeting on 7th of August, 2014

Meeting theme:Back to Basics. Basics is about who we are and traditions remind us of who we are!

Word Of the Day (WOD)

Meaning : come or bring together for a common purpose or action.
Meaning : come or bring together to form a whole.


  • We must unite and stay as one, together we rise.
  • He called on the party to unite.
  • Unity without uniformity.
  • The two Germany(s) officially united.
Prepared Speeches
Speakers                                                   Title

Jack Goh,TM
Two Choices
Jeffery Lee,ACG
Andrea Finta,CC,CL
The Little Rooster's Diamond Penny
Shivcharan Kaur,DTM
Tan Mei Fang,CC
So Hot!
Lim Hui Ping,TM
Capt Khalid,ACS,CL
Realise Your Potential
Joshua Ling,ACB,CL
Humour Master (HM)

Yap Sui Ngor,TM
Table Topics Master (TTM)
Jenny Ng,CC,CL

Toastmasters with elegant and resplendent traditional wear!

Award Presentations!

Let's Unite and Together We RISE!

Don't forget our next meeting: Speech Marathon on 14/8/2014 (Thursday)!

Thank you....

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