Meeting on 6 February 2014 "Chinese New Year"

The theme of meeting on the 6th of February is "Chinese NewYear".

Our club President, Geni Andrea Finta offered a special designed Chinese New Year T-Shirt for the year of Horse for the Best Role Player on this meeting.

Interesting speeches were made by our speakers;

-William Lee, who did his 9th speech for his ACB project with title "25th Anniversary Dinner" and

-Ahmad Yusof,who did his 1st speech for his ACG project with title "The Effective Sales Person".
The humour master of the evening was our President, Geni Andrea Finta, who entertained our members and guests with her collection of selected humorous stories.

Table Topics Session was led by Shima Ismail, who has chosen very interesting topics, related to Chinese New Year celebration.


 The Best Table Topics Speaker was awarded to Ahmad Yusof.

Finally, the winner of Best Role Player was Sharifah Salwa, our Toastmaster of the Evening!

Malacca Toastmasters Club's meeting is held every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
Time : 7.30 pm fellowship (meeting will start at 8.00 pm sharp)
Venue : Semabok Inn, Jalan Semabok, Malacca

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