Monthly Meeting - 1 November 2012

Dear Fellow Toastermasters, 

Don't forget our November meeting is coming soon.

It will be held on 1 November 2012 (Thursday)7.30pm at Semabok Inn and the Toastmasters of the Evening is DTM Shivcharan Kaur.

See you all there.

Area A1 Humorous And Evaluation Speech Contests


Dear fellow Toastmasters,

I am happy to announce that 2 of our club representatives at the Area level of the Humorous Speech and Evaluation contest held on Sunday 7th October 2012 were among the top 3 winners. They are :-

Mak Chee Kin - 2nd runner-up in the Humorous Speech contest
Shivcaran Kaur - 2nd runner-up in the Evaluation contest

Congratulations! We are proud of you. 

And congrat
ulations too, to Debra De Souza Watters for being the exemplary Contest Chair and also to all those who have taken up roles in the area contest... you have all done a great job. Bravo!

Aspiring Change"

Warmest regards,
Jenny Ng
President 2012-2013
Malacca Toastmasters Club
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