The 25th Feb Meeting Summary

I agreed it has been many week or many months since last meeting summary, well better late than never.

Work Work Work.. that's the life of a Peon, no life no time. :(


The meeting was as usual @ Semabok Inn, Melaka, however the meeting room has been changed to the newer , classier, business class meeting room , ground floor. :)

Happiness short lived, it was only for that meeting only. Argh.. :(

The reason we was given this meeting room was because the human elevator was broken.
Ascending all the way to the fourth floor can be exhausting for some *ahem*. :S

It was colder than ever, the room was smaller, the air cond was bigger.


Henry Goh, CC was the Toastmaster of the Day.

There was no Guests , unfortunately.

He did a great job and still there's alot of room for improvement.

The crowd was small too, New Year mood was still with us. Oranges was served too. !

We only had 2 speakers, Ahmad, CC who did his 4th ACB project and TM Sharon Chiang who did her 8th CC project.

!!! Congratulations to both of them. !!!

Humor session was not there, unfortunately.

Table Topic Session was a 25 minutes long continuation of "finish the story" marathon regarding a murder and ended up as a possible zombie conducted by our beauty queen, Lena Foo, CC

General Evaluation was pretty quick, well done and presented by IPP of 08/09, Goh Guat Mui, ACB, CL

Melvin Chan, CC evaluated Sharon Chiang, and Ruby Yong, CC evaluated Ahmand, CC

Table topic evaluator was done by Joshua Ling, ACB, CL.

Grammarian was done by Jeniffer Lee, ACB, CL.

Ah Counter was done by Tirath , CTM/CC , a nightmare for some, a good laugh for some. *grins*

and Timekeeper was done by Shima, TM.

We even had an open discussion @ the end of the General Evaluation to further evaluate club matters.

After the meeting, was had an EXCO meeting and proceeded to McQueck Satay Celup for supper.

~The End~

The next meeting 4th March will be our Club Level, International Speech and Table Topic Contest. Se you there :D

MTC Meeting on 4 Feb 2010


Hi All,

Below is the updated list for the role players, please email me the title and no of projects for the project speakers. If you wish to have a special introduction, please email to me as well.

Speaker ~~ Evaluator

Soe Win ~~ Goh Guat Moi, ACB, CL

Ahmad ~~ Audrey Lim, DTM

Joshua ~~ Ling Ruby Yong, CC

TTM Melvin Chan, CC

GE Lena Foo, CC,

LE Azizah, ACB, CL

TTE Sharon Chiang, TM

HM Clarence Chua, TM

Ah Counter Shima, TM

Timer William Tay, TM

Best Rgds,
Jane Yeo
Malacca Toastmaster Club 7315,

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