[Meeting] 2-July 2009


Toastmaster of the Evening:
Shivcharan Kaur, DTM

Theme: Michael Jackson and the moon walk dance in memorable of


Project Speakers
TM KP Lai Ev: Ruby Yong, CC
TM Willaim Tay Ev: Mohan, CC
TM Ahmad Ev: Jeffery, ATMB

Role Players
HM : Henry Goh, CC
TTM: Azizah, CC, CL
TTE: Mak Chee Kin, CC, CL
GE: Melvin Chan, CC
LE: Kamala Nair, ACS, CL
Time Keeper: Jenny Ng, TM
Ah Counter: Shima, TM

For Guests :
  • Please wear formal attire with a neck tie if possible or smart casual.
  • Please switch off or put any sound edmitting devices to silent mode.
  • No Flash photography is allow during the meeting.
  • You may wear like Michael Jackson for this meeting if you want to.

Youth Leadership Programme 2009


They had some fun with "continue the story" session. It was really Fun :D

Note from Organizing Chai Goh Guat Mui,ACB,CL

On a fine Saturday morning in June 2009,a few of our club members went back to school...

Not as students,not as teachers but on a Toastmasters mission.Yes indeed we were all set to embark on a journey of sharing YLP with a group of bright and receptive teenaged boys and girls (secondary 3 to 5)-students of MHS.

The YLP is a basic training programme for the students to experience Communication & Leadership skills mainly in these areas:

Overcome nervousness when speaking before an audience

Organize thoughts and ideas for better communication and speech delivery

Develop better listening skills

To learn to offer advice in a relevant and tactful manner

To participate in discussions and meetings as leaders and team players

Everyone had loads of fun .The sessions included slide presentations,demo speakers ,demo evaluators,prepared speeches,video clips,lively songs,creative story telling ,impromptu speaking and mindmapping teamwork.

The whole event ended with a magical transformation.Yes the students did an incredible ‘showcase your skills’ session for parents and teachers and our toastmasters.The prepared speech and table topics contests were of a commendable standard after just about 2 days of training.Everyone had a nostalgic moment singing the goodbye songs at the close.Thank you Kamala –You made it happen!

As YLP coordinator I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the school MHS especially

Mr.Low Yang Cheng and Mr.Teo Heow Hong and to the following Toastmasters from our club:

1.DTM Audrey for linking us to the school

2.ACS,CL Kamala Nair who showed all how to enjoy learning in a fun way

3.ATMB Jeffery Lee for his knowledge sharing

4.CTM,CL Joshua Ling for his diligent presentation and supportive presence

5.CC,CL Mak Chee Kin for his initiating the first ice breaker session

6.TM William Tay for his well prepared ice breaker demo and his creative story telling session besides all his other SAA and time keeper roles.

7.CC Henry Goh for his video recording and photography

8.CC Melvin Chan for assisting Henry Goh

Without anyone of the above,the project could not have been such a resounding success.

I appreciate all your time and effort contribution for the betterment of the club.

To use a cliché ,”ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL”.

Your Immediate Past President (wef 1st July 2009),

Goh Guat Mui,ACB,CL

[Meeting] 18-June 2009


Toastmaster of the Evening

Ruby Yong, CC

Project Speakers

Jenny Ng Ev.Melvin, CC
Soe Win Ev.Jane Yeo, CL
Zaw Tun Ev.Mohan, CC
Nurulain Bte Muhammad Yasin EV.Mak Chee Kin,CC, CL

Role Players

HM : Jeffrey Lee,ATMB
TTM : Ahmad,TM
GE : Joshua Ling,CC, CL
Ah-Countant : William Tay ,TM
Time Keeper : Henry Goh,CC & Lai Kim Piew TM
LE : Chan Pey Fong,TM
TTE : Shivcharan Kaur, DTM.


I would like to congratulate to:
Div A Gov ,Bernard Wong ATMG

for achieving President's Distinguished Div.
Area A1 Gov Michael Chu,CC

for achieving President's Distinguished Area.

Malacca Toastmasters Club's President 08/09,
Goh Guat Mui ACB,CL
For achieving President's Distinguished Club status for Malacca Toastmasters Club by getting 10 Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Goals.

The goals are:
  1. Two CTMs
  2. Two more CTMs
  3. One ATM-B, ATM-S, or ATM-G
  4. One more ATM-B, ATM-S, or ATM-G
  5. One CL, AL, or DTM
  6. One more CL, AL, or DTM
  7. Four new members
  8. Four more new members
  9. Minimum of four club officers trained during each of two training periods
  10. One semiannual membership report and one club officer list submitted on time

The Educational awards contributors are
2.Ruby ,CC
5.Kamala,ACS, CL
6.Guat Mui,ACB,CL
7.Jane Yeo, CL

The membership recruiters are (no. recruited in brackets):
1.Azizah,CC, CL (5)
2.Jennifer Lee,ACB,CL (2)
3.Capt Khalid,ACS (2)
4.Mak Chee Kin,CC,CL (2)
5.Guat Mui,ACB,CL( 2)
6.Joshua Ling,CTM,CL (2)
7.Ming Yuen (1)

On 1st of July 2009, Goh Guat Mui ACB,CL will be Immediate Past President(IPP) of the club.
The next president for Malacca Toastmasters Club 09/10 will be

Joshua Ling CTM,CL.
Lets wish him the best of luck in making Malacca Toastmasters Club President's Distinguished Club status for the term 09/10 !

4th June meeting Summary

16th April meeting Summary
Congratulation to G.Mohan for his CC, he’s now the brand new CC of our club and he was the Toastmaster of the Evening for the 1st meeting of June 2009, this was indeed his first time as the toastmaster of the evening.
We had 4 project speakers that night, there were Shima TM, Ahmad TM, Azizah Abu Hassan, CC,CL and Capt Khalid. They presented very well, only slightly short and fast.
Capt Khalid gave an entertaining speech on Bermuda Triangle, he really did brought me through a journey of mystery and fantasies. Azizah Abu Hassan, CC, CL did a speech on her speaker award. Ahmad TM, gave a speech on how to help a choking victim which was good to know which I don’t. Shima TM, did a speech on title, I Wonder It Is So True.
When the project speeches were over, the humor master took over, although there were only 3 jokes mentioned, if I remember correctly, each joke were quite long, there were laughter and a lot fun .
Next, we had the table topic session which was conducted by William Tay, TM. In our club, is natural that each table topic session is as creative as the last, this time, there was no exception.
Table topic session started off with a short paragraph, read by the table topic master himself. He then chose a few volunteers to continue the story with a given word handpicked by the participants themselves. The story itself did not make sense, but we did have a lot of ooohhh and ahhhh as the story turns out to be quite crazy.
Finally, evaluation was headed by Jane Yeo, TM. Some of the comments mentioned are too cold compared to last meeting, it was too hot. I myself was the table topic evaluator. Mak Chee Kin, CC, CL did an unusual evaluation as the ah-countant by doing it in his way. Very unique I must say.
There were fun and laughter all the way, everyone had a wonderful time.
At approximately 9:40pm, the meeting was dismissed.
The next meeting will on 18-June 2009. Till then, see you guys there !

[Meeting] 4-June 2009


TOE: G Mohan, CC

Project Speakers

1.) Shimah Ismail Ev:Lena Foo,CC

2.) Ahmad Yusof EV: Henry Goh,CC

3.) Azizah Abu Hassan EV:Kamala,ACS,CL

4.) Capt Khalid EV:Shivcharan,DTM


TTM: William Tay,TM

TTE: Melvin Chan, TM

Humour: Shivcharan,DTM

LE: Jennifer Lee,ACB,CL

GE: Jane Yeo,TM

T/K: Joshua Ling,CTM,CL

Ah Counter : Mak Chee Kin,CC,CL

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